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time warner cable nyc

time warner cable nyc

Time warner cable NYC, time warner cable : Time Warner Cable is an American national cable television company that operates in 27 states and has 31 operating divisions. Its corporate headquarters are located in New York, NY, and has other corporate offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Herndon, Virginia. For its first 20 years, TimeWarner Cable was controlled by Time Warner. However, it is no longer affiliated with Time Warner, having been spun out to shareholders in March 2009. "We're just one company, but there are millions of you. Together, we just might be able to make a difference in what America pays for its favorite entertainment." Analysts are not convinced that the survey will have an effect on the negotiations, as past efforts by cable companies that cast programmers as "price gougers" failed to gain traction before.

As the second largest company in an industry known for tiered pricing of its services, Time Warner Cable may seem like an unlikely candidate to appeal to its subscribers for help. Just this week, the company has begun a new ad campaign asking its customers to show their support for the company in its negotiations with network programming providers to prevent raises in rates the company would have to pay for carrier rights. Asking respondents whether Time Warner should "Roll Over" and accede to the raising costs of content providers or "Get Tough" and refuse to accept higher fees at the expense of some shows, the campaign will be featured in television commercials and through an online voting page at

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