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tiger woods car crash photos

tiger woods car crash photos

Tiger Woods car crash photos show normal face of Woods, Elin Nordegren Woods & Tiger Woods mistress. Controversy is not going to leave Tiger Woods anytime soon. That is sure as more and more angles are coming to the fore. What has amazed many people is the fact that Tiger Woods has so far not cooperated with the police officials despite the police officials waiting for more than an hour to see him. Reports have confirmed the rumor that the golf legend has pulled out of Chevron World Challenge Tournament, apparently on health grounds. This has added to rumors that he is under tremendous mental pressure over the incident.

Meanwhile TMZ has reported that a neighbor had his camera memory card confiscated by Tiger Woods security from the scene where the car crash had happened.There are reports of security being tightened around his house that has put his neighbors in a difficult situation as they are not able to move freely in their own neighborhood.Harrington was on the golf course Monday morning when Woods announced he would not play. Having flown over from Ireland, he has not been keeping up with each development and wasn't sure how much it would affect the tournament except for the obvious.

"The more we play and compete with Tiger, the better," Harrington said, who did just that at two majors this year, and the final round of the Bridgestone Invitational when Woods rallied to beat him. "But it's not going to take away from the winner enjoying his win," he said. "I think come Sunday afternoon on the back nine, the focus will be on the tournament. Up until that point, Tiger will be talked about, and he will be missed."

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