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morgan freeman hand

morgan freeman hand

Morgan Freeman to promote their upcoming film "Prom Night in Mississippi," Recently fans were left questioning the status of your left hand. Some have even speculated about the 72-year-old actor's hand is fake or not. But according, why it works, is still lagging a bit due to injury in 2008, his accident, which left Freeman may have surgery for a broken arm, broken elbow and shoulder some losses. In an interview back in February this year, Morgan said he had suffered great damage to the nerve in the arm by an accident, so that is why his hand is still paralyzed. We all hope that it will be better soon.

In November 2009, the Canadian press interviewed the 72-year-old actor about Prom Night. For that interview, Canadian press reported that Freeman was “reclining on a couch” and his “left hand was limp and swaddled in a tan glove due to injuries sustained in an August 2008 car crash.” In the crash Freeman had to endure surgery on a broken arm, broken elbow and minor shoulder damage. In August 2008 Freeman suffered injuries in a car crash. By February 2009 LALATE reported that Freeman still suffered injury to the hand. Freeman that month told press:

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