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Jean Val Jean

Jean Val Jean
Jean Val Jean begins, for both Bravo publicity machine of sound in the last month. Note to Bravo - this is old, very old. Enough is enough. Bravo is again the same story as "one of our star are crap network, you can do it". Some Bravo shows going to do this? Seems to have started with Kim Zolciak. Who Kim's Big Popa! Can you his pic online? OMG - Danielle dust is a hidden secret book about his past? Can it online? Gretchen Rossi is compromising pictures online? Wow - really? Do not find it online? Beginning In fact, Emmanuel Delcour background as Jean Val Jean, for the same publicity machine Bravo last month sound. Note to Bravo - this is old, very old. Enough is enough.
Had either of them actually died, it could well have been due to the boredom of trolling the hot topics on Google Trends on a slow Tuesday. Sobering news about a massacre of journalists and broadcasters in the Philippines ranked a ho-hum 21 slot, while gossip about Chef Academy contestant Emmanuel Delcour's past as porn star actor Jean Valjean dominated the first and third slots. Google image searches went nuts for Michelle Obama; for a few hours, the first image returned was an offensive one which has prompted Google to take out ad space on its own network to apologize for it. "Sometimes our search results can be offensive. We agree," the ad said.

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