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emmanuel delcour

emmanuel delcour
Emmanuel Delcour even admits a shady past in a forthcoming issue of Chef Academy. It seems that one of the candidates a past that has porn star, and Bravo is clearly capital on them. Adult Film of Jean Valjean name bears a striking resemblance to Jean Claude Van Damme. Chef Acedemy is a show based on non-compete teaching chefs cook Bravo. The network seems to boast even a little fun with it, will be released, "one of the star, we have dirt on the network, you can find it." Emmanuel Delcour (or adult fans of the film called Jean Valjean) obviously was a very successful porn star, before he was a student of Chef Bravo Academy, a show that does not teach the chefs cook and compete.
The funny thing is that Bravo seems to be capitalizing on it! In the video above, fellow Academy members Kup and Kylie discover Emmanuel's alter ego as Jean Valijean and his porn past! We're normally reporting on gay porn pasts, but on Bravo's upcoming Chef Academy, one contestant fesses up to having a straight porn past. It continued: "Bravo's Chef Academy student, Emmanuel Delcour, aka, Jean Valjean, is raising more than Cosette...if you get my drift! Before he became a Chef Academy student, Mr. Delcour had a prior career in the movies…the GROWN up movies!"
Yeah, Bravo, we are him too. They hope we will not see because you have a high-quality cooking produces reality show, but it is ex-porn star walk across the screen! If it really is, here is an interview with him SFW her adult film days, and now it's definitely NSFW videos of him. And here is a clip Chef Academy, which is observed by the other competitors Delcour's Porn Star in the past. It is ... Junkie?

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